Conference Program
Full Conference Program
Schedule At-A-Glance
A more printer friendly, agenda-focused version of the program if you'd like a phyiscial copy of the schedule
Virginia Beach
Session Handouts
ACBVA and AER Partnership. How can we make it happen?
AMD or Toy Bar Make-N-Take!
CVI and O&M for Adults and Children Related to the Higher Order Visual Functions
Demystifying the challenges of teaching and learning UEB for STEM subjects
Let's Discuss: The IEP Discussion Guide as a Tool to Drive Collaboration for Students with Complex Learning Needs, including Deafblindness
RT Roundtable: How can we meet the client where they are?
Ride the Tide to Medication Management Independence
Thinking Outside of the Braille Cell
Reaching for the Sky with DBVI
Unified English Braille Refresher or Braille, how refreshing!
Using Assessments to Drive Braille Instruction
Way-finder Wonders: Navigating Your World with GPS and Transit Apps.